In Depth:  Tom Hutton

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AMiE leaders consider how to be ‘rich’ in ministry

AMiE leaders consider how to be ‘rich’ in ministry

Tom Hutton

Leaders of the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE) considered the theme ‘Rich’ at this year’s conference in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Leeds.

This was drawn from 2 Corinthians 10:6, where Paul writes: ‘Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing, poor, yet making many rich, having nothing, and yet possessing everything.’

Two new ministers for two new churches

Two new ministers for two new churches

Tom Hutton

Two new AMiE churches have two newly ordained ministers.

One of the congregations is in Wolverhampton, and began in summer 2020, while the other is on the Isle of Wight, and started in 2023.