In Depth:  Tim Chester

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Learning from the Puritans: life as pilgrimage

Learning from the Puritans: life as pilgrimage

Tim Chester

We have much to learn from the spirituality of the 17th-century Puritan movement. One perhaps surprising example of this is their emphasis on pilgrimage.

In the Old Testament, Jerusalem was seen as a place of pilgrimage. The annual feasts encouraged worshippers to journey to Jerusalem. The Psalms of Ascent testify to the significance of this journey. But with the coming of Jesus the nature of pilgrimage changes. Jesus himself is the temple (John 2:18-22), so we come to Him rather than journeying to a physical location (1 Peter 2:4-5). Nevertheless, in the medieval world, pilgrimage became a major feature of spirituality and a major money-spinner if you could establish yourself as a holy destination. Pilgrimage was a physical act that required physical movement. For some it was an act that earned merit before God. Others journeyed to sacred relics or sites since these were thought to have inherent power. It was a chance to pray to a saint at his or her shrine for a miracle or for time off purgatory.

The glory of the cross

The glory of the cross

Tim Chester

As we approach Easter, Tim Chester reflects on John 19.12-22

In 2006, England played in the finals of the World Cup.

Truth and lives

Truth and lives

Tim Chester

Tim Chester on the connection between biblical counselling and preaching

It didn’t happen the way I had expected.

Believing in the Triune God

Tim Chester

Let me explain how I came to write this. I was reading the Bible with two friends who are Muslims.

Each week they faithfully came to my home and we discussed a passage of Scripture over a cup of tea. Many of their questions were about the Trinity: How can God have a son? How can there be three Gods and one God?

The first Bible overview?

Tim Chester


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Welcome addition

Tim Chester

Book Review THE MESSAGE OF MISSION The Bible Speaks Today series

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Transforming Communities

Tim Chester

Book Review TRANSFORMING COMMUNITIES: Re-imagining the church for the 21st century

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Tim Chester

Book Review By Michael Eaton

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Cornhill goes north

Tim Chester

September 2000 saw the launch in Sheffield of the Northern Cornhill Training Course.

Northern Cornhill is based on the Proclamation Trust's successful Cornhill Training Course.