In Depth:  Thomas Seidler

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Where are all the elders?

Thomas Seidler

In 2007 Tim Keller (New York) addressed the London Evangelical Ministry Assembly (EMA) thus: ‘If people are saying conservative evangelicals don’t know how to preach and don’t know how to minister in a way that reaches the working class or the poor, then I’m not able to tell you how to change that, but why in the world aren’t you talking about it incessantly?

‘You need to think biblically and theologically on race and class. You’re way behind on being able to integrate your congregations racially. But why aren’t you thinking about it? Why aren’t you talking about it? Why aren’t you writing papers about it? Why aren’t you producing books about it? “Ah”, you say, “we’ve got to deal with all these doctrinal issues...”’

Getting under your skin?

Thomas Seidler

You are about to read very strange information.

1984 or The Manchurian Candidate may be the closest you’ve got to studying manipulative human agencies of questionable intent. Use your mind and Google/Yahoo. Everything that is said can be checked. Much of this information has already been published in the daily national papers

Implantable chips of varying degrees of complexity, function and implant location may well have a significant role in the future of our society to judge by the investors and the amount invested. Here we have an historical overview, a present study, and a consideration of future trajectory — the latter infused with a Christian perspective.

Changing lives

Thomas Seidler


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Don't date a corpse

Thomas Seidler

The biblical pattern - never intermarry. The patriarchs had to marry within their family and not from 'the daughters of the land' (Genesis 24.3 - Isaac's wife; Genesis 27.46 - Jacob's wife).

Why did they have to do this?