USA: S. Baptists accused
into Southern Baptist
churches, reported on 12 February, revealed
that 380 leaders, staff and volunteers had
been accused of sexual misconduct in the
past 20 years.
Of those, 220 had been convicted. Victims
numbered more than 700 and included children aged three.
Wealth and
A study in July apparently revealed that
‘rejecting God can significantly boost a
nation’s wealth’.
Academics at the universities of Bristol
and Tennessee,
nations become more secular after becoming
more prosperous. The study claims that the
process in fact takes place in reverse.
Home school
government plans
tighten up
inspections on ‘illegal’ unregistered schools,
which number at
least 350
in the UK,
according to Ofsted’s report in early March,
which may have implications for those who
choose to home-educate.
A quarter of the schools were found to be
faith based. While these schools can technically be inspected by Ofsted, at least 80
smaller ‘teaching groups’ have been set up,
often in warehouses or above shops, and are
outside its control. Texts seized from some
Islamic faith schools have included instructions on how to beat a wife, instructions that
she cannot ‘refuse sexual intercourse without
sound reason’, and that celibacy is unlawful.
Ofsted suggests that religious extremists are
exploiting lax home-education laws.