In Depth:  The Gospel Coalition

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David Powlison 1949– 2019

David Powlison 1949– 2019

The Gospel Coalition

David Powlison died peacefully at his home in Pennsylvania on 7 June after suffering from pancreatic cancer.

Growing up, Powlison attended a liberal mainline church and in high school he thought Christianity was a polite veneer for people who refused to face life’s hard real-ities. During that time he was confronted with death and depravity, including bully-ing, the murder of a classmate, suicidal friends, exposure to pornography, and drug use. Later, he had an interest in radical pol-itics, protests, and New Age religion.

Ecuador: excited by the Bible

Ecuador: excited by the Bible

The Gospel Coalition

‘This is truly a miracle’, said the group of church leaders, pastors and spouses in Ecuador. The opportunity to receive expository preaching training had helped them cross denominational lines.

As an international trainer for Leadership Resources International (LRI), I witnessed a gathering last May that fostered Christian unity among believers from churches in Portoviejo, Ecuador. A ministry that equips and encourages pastors around the world, LRI gathered 25 ministers for instruction on how to proclaim and apply the gospel with greater skill.