In Depth:  Stuart Burgess & Tabitha Carron

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The incredible hand-eye coordination of the human body...

The incredible hand-eye coordination of the human body...

Stuart Burgess & Tabitha Carron

Human strength, skill and courage are gifts from God that help people to carry out important work such as farming and building. However, God has also given these abilities for people to enjoy leisure activities such as music, craftwork and sport. God has given all things richly to enjoy (1 Tim. 6:17) and that includes sporting activities. But there are other benefits.

Playing sport can be an excellent way of maintaining health, especially in an age where many people have sedentary jobs. If we are healthy and fit, we are then more able to serve God and others. Because humans are designed to carry out physical work (Gen. 2:15), it is unhealthy for our bodies if we are too inactive.