In Depth:  Stuart Burgess

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Dating wisely

Dating wisely

Stuart Burgess

Stuart Burgess describes the blessings that flow from biblical courtship

My first experience of meeting Christians was as a student at university in the 1980s. I was struck by how these young men treated women with great respect. I also noticed how Christians practised restraint and purity in courtship – or dating. Their witness was one reason for my conversion.

Return to the Blue Planet

Return to the Blue Planet

Stuart Burgess

Professor Stuart Burgess reviews the recent BBC mega-documentary

Millions of people have greatly enjoyed watching the Blue Planet 2 series on BBC TV.

Atheist scientist misfires

Atheist scientist misfires

Stuart Burgess


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Romance God’s way

Romance God’s way

Stuart Burgess

Stuart Burgess makes the biblical case for purity in courtship

Sexual morality in courtship is one of the most important issues facing today’s church.

Old earth theodicy

Stuart Burgess

Book Review THE END OF CHRISTIANITY Finding a good God in an evil world

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