In Depth:  Steve Wilmshurst

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Too many pitfalls

Too many pitfalls

Steve Wilmshurst

Book Review THE VOICES OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: A Conversational Approach to the Message of Good News

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On the brink of home

On the brink of home

Steve Wilmshurst

Book Review HONEY FROM THE ROCK Deuteronomy for the People of God

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Vital and ambitious churches

Steve Wilmshurst

Book Review BREAKOUT One church’s amazing story of growth through mission-shaped communities

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Can sociology rescue the churches?

Steve Wilmshurst

Book Review METAVISTA Bible, Church and Mission in an Age of Imagination

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Undermining the case for helping the global poor

Steve Wilmshurst


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Sound & careful

Steve Wilmshurst

Book Review EPHESIANS Encouragement and joy in Christ

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Jubilee community

Steve Wilmshurst

Book Review GOOD NEWS TO THE POOR Sharing the gospel through social involvement

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