In Depth:  Steve Levy

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FIEC from the inside

FIEC from the inside

Steve Levy

Steve Levy shares his own experience

The reasons for FIEC’s existence are obvious.

Reading together

Steve Levy

There used to be just three people in our church reading through the Bible — now there are 150.

One older lady, a believer since her 20s, had attempted to read the Bible through for years and every time had given up. ‘Now, together with everyone else, I think I’m going to do it’, she said.

Majority report

Steve Levy

My son loves to remind me of an incident once at the end of a family holiday. We had been staying at my sister’s home. We were late packing up and she was due back any moment. I was vacuuming and the bag suddenly exploded.

In my frustration I shouted, ‘Kids come here now and pick up the dust!’