In Depth:  Steve James

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Songs: new, loud, refreshed

Songs: new, loud, refreshed

Steve James


It was one of those curveballs that Scripture throws at you.

Music for next Christmas?

Music for next Christmas?

Steve James


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New American singers

New American singers

Steve James

Music Review It has sometimes been said (by Americans themselves!) that the spirituality of America is a thousand miles wide and two inches deep.

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Dressing our songs for praise

Dressing our songs for praise

Steve James


Writing this during The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, I was struck by how many times the Queen must have heard the National Anthem.

A past hymn for present war

A past hymn for present war

Steve James


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Eco-songs? A good idea?

Eco-songs? A good idea?

Steve James


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Church plant prepares for future boom town Warrington

Church plant prepares for future boom town Warrington

Steve James

A new church plant can often be met with questions of ‘What’s wrong with the existing churches?’ and ‘Do we really need another one?’ But in this instance there are compelling reasons to plant a new church in the centre of Warrington.

Supported by the North West Partnership, Central Church Warrington is looking to launch in Easter 2022. Anglican in nature and conservative evangelical in conviction, this initiative, which is in the Liverpool Diocesan consultation process, has an extraordinary opportunity.

A song of lament

A song of lament

Steve James

Music Review ALWAYS GOOD

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A Getty album for children

A Getty album for children

Steve James

Music Review EVENSONG: Hymns and Lullabies at Close of Day

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Have you got the right melody for ‘Roomers’ and ‘Zoomers’?

Steve James

One of the most common questions I’m asked is: ‘How are you doing congregational worship in these times? And what about Christmas?’

Here are some of the things I’ve been saying.

Still singing by the rivers

Still singing by the rivers

Steve James

I have a question, as we emerge from lockdown. It echoes Psalm 137. How can we sing the Lord’s song?

The original setting was by the waters of Babylon. Our setting is emerging from a post-Covid experience and there is, quite naturally, a reluctance to sing.

The song on the lips of  the people

The song on the lips of the people

Steve James

Recently I attended a church where we sang just the right song after the sermon and some difficult church news. It was perfectly placed for the church and the Bible passage, and when that happens, it becomes more than just a song. It becomes a homily in song, and as such a ministry of the word.

Sometimes these song placings happen by divine providence, but good planning and playing are just as important! So let’s get practical:

Pitch-perfect carol services

Pitch-perfect carol services

Steve James

We all know – people come to church at Christmas. There may be many reasons: perhaps people are reacting to the conspicuous consumption; or the fact that the Season needs a Reason.

But there comes a moment when the need for something more causes a person to come to a carol service.

Congregational worship

Congregational worship

Steve James

As the minister stepped down from many years of service at the church, one of the speakers made an unusual observation. Knowing that the minister had a keen interest in congregational worship, she said: ‘Listening to the congregation today, you have clearly taught us all to sing!’

It’s a strange compliment, but after a moment’s thought, an insightful thing to say, for you can tell a lot by the singing of a congregation. There’s an old story of a king who asked his stewards to go round the towns and villages and listen to the singing of the people. If the singing was healthy and joyful, so was the town. If the singing was feeble or mournful, then the king knew there was a serious malaise within the community.