In Depth:  Steve Gandy

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Monetary reform

Monetary reform

Steve Gandy

On 5 December, Christian Heritage London and the Jubilee Centre, a Cambridge-based Christian research and policy think tank dedicated to promoting ‘a biblical vision for public life’, co-hosted a seminar entitled ‘Reforming the Monetary System: Christian perspectives on a crucial debate’.

Five panellists were invited to give their perspectives on this hotly-debated topic, especially in the light of the recent financial crisis. The seminar followed the publication of the Jubilee Centre’s booklet Crumbling Foundations: A Biblical Critique of Modern Money by Guy Brandon.

Help for the world’s fragile economy

Help for the world’s fragile economy

Steve Gandy

Book Review THE END OF ALCHEMY: Money, Banking and the Future of the Global Economy

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A fatal flaw in our democracy

A fatal flaw in our democracy

Steve Gandy

Steve Gandy, a senior banking executive in London, reflects on the exercise of government in a postmodern world

Despite the chaotic and often corrupt practices of politicians, we would probably agree that democracy has brought great benefits.

How to prevent another financial crisis?

Steve Gandy


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The Reader (15)

Steve Gandy

None Review Moral ambiguity THE READER

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