In Depth:  Steve Donald

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How the inconceivable was conceived: The evolution of a new sexual morality

How the inconceivable was conceived: The evolution of a new sexual morality

Steve Donald

Christians have a problem with culture. Especially with the huge disconnect that has developed between the church and the Western World in the last forty or fifty years. How are we to respond to these changes?

Take the example of contemporary films and TV. Christians may be shocked when ministers such as myself watch contemporary films, films which themselves reflect the culture in which we live. Of course, clearly toxic films and TV series should be avoided because of their content. We must exercise discernment, but we must also engage with culture. We are to be ‘in the world but not of it’ (John 17:16).

'Restoring hope in our church'

Steve Donald

'Restoring Hope to the Church' was the title of a recent Anglican national initiative featuring church leaders and parishes engaging with their communities. However, hope for the Church of England rests in whether it will turn away from the liberal agenda that has dominated it for so many years to the gospel agenda outlined in the Bible.

There is great hope coming from the mainly orthodox and growing Anglican Communion which appears determined to exercise biblical discipline on the New Westminister decision to allow same-sex blessings and the New Hampshire decision to appoint the first gay Bishop, Gene Robinson. Manchester Cathedral has been caught up in this crisis by agreeing to host a service in October for the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement.

Have you lost your nerve?

Steve Donald


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