In Depth:  Steve Brady

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So, who needs theological college?

So, who needs theological college?

Steve Brady

Who needs Theological College? Everyone! Well, sort of…

Theological Colleges ideally exist ‘to prepare God’s people for works of service’ (Eph.4:12). But isn’t that what the local church should be doing for all its members? Of course. However, some do it better than others, and some not at all. Nevertheless, some believers begin to sense a call to serve the Lord in a more full-time capacity as pastors and teachers, evangelists, missionaries, church workers, youth leaders etc. Do they need to ‘go to college’ to train to do so?

Warm, winsome punches!

Steve Brady

Book Review THE FINAL WORD The Book of Revelation simply explained

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Believing scholarship

Steve Brady

Book Review TYNDALE HOUSE & FELLOWSHIP The First Sixty Years

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Future shock

Steve Brady

About 25 years ago Alvin Toffler wrote the best-seller Future Shock, a book that looked at tomorrow's world. It spawned a whole industry in predicting trends in economics and the social sciences.

The title 'Future Shock', I suggest, is even more apt for a 'tale of the unexpected' in Luke 16, concerning a rich man and a beggar. It is a shocking tale in which we hear a voice from beyond this present world.