Can we manage God?
So, what’s your personal vision statement for this coming year? You don’t have one yet? But we’re on the brink of 2010!
OK, what about your ministry aims? Can you outline them to me in the space of three seconds without breaking into a sweat? No?! Alright then, let me loosen the noose a bit: can you present the projected outcomes of your personal discipleship programme (preferably using bullet points) for the next three years? What do you mean, you can’t even see beyond the coming week you PowerPointless wonder? Take me to your seminar leader — on the double!
The gospel of Todd
Every so often someone appears who manages to embody all that is wrong with popular Christianity: mindless sloganeering, an unhelpful emphasis on unusual phenomena and flawed theology.
Sadly, that person is usually embraced by a large section of the Christian community. This is true of Todd Bentley, the 32-year-old leader of Fresh Fire Ministries. With his colourful preaching and larger than life personality He is currently taking the charismatic / Pentecostal scene by storm.