In Depth:  Stephen Nicholls

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Schizophrenia: a mother’s heartache and a Saviour’s care

Schizophrenia: a mother’s heartache and a Saviour’s care

Stephen Nicholls

Book Review BROKEN PIECES AND THE GOD WHO MENDS THEM: Schizophrenia through a mother’s eyes

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When we’re not feeling festive

When we’re not feeling festive

Stephen Nicholls

Stephen Nicholls reminds us that not everyone is happy at Christmas time

‘Did you have a good Christmas?’ – it’s always the question people ask when you go back to work after the festive break – and in my experience most people say ‘wonderful, thank you’; it seems almost churlish to say otherwise. But in reality not everyone feels happy and joyful at Christmas.

Why	do	I	still…?

Why do I still…?

Stephen Nicholls


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