In Depth:  Stephen Clark

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The obedience of faith?

The obedience of faith?

Stephen Clark

Book Review COVENANT AND COMMANDMENT Works, obedience and faithfulness in the Christian life

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Graham Harrison 1935 – 2013

Graham Harrison 1935 – 2013

Stephen Clark

Graham Stuart Harrison was first and foremost a powerful preacher and faithful pastor.

He became minister of Alma Street Baptist Chapel, Newport in 1962 — re-named Emmanuel Evangelical Church in 1977 when a new building was erected — and laboured indefatigably there until his retirement in 2010.

The Christian, politics and the law: a third view

Stephen Clark

We have it on the highest authority possible that the children of this world are sometimes wiser than the children of light.

One has the feeling that when Christians in general, and theologians in particular, venture into the political and quasi-political realms, they appear somewhat as innocents abroad. I fear that both Wayne Grudem in his Politics according to the Bible and Dr. John Hayward, in his review of Grudem’s book in the October issue of EN, give this impression. I shall enumerate a number of areas where, I believe, they have misconstrued things.