In Depth:  Sky News

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C of E abuse

Sky News

Nearly 400 people in positions of trust within the Church of England have been convicted of sexual offences against children since the 1940s, a damning report has found.

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse found the Church failed to protect children and young people from sexual predators within its ranks and instead created a culture where abusers could hide.

SIN helpline: repenting of paedophilia

SIN helpline: repenting of paedophilia

Sky News

A helpline for people concerned about their own sexual feelings towards children said the number of calls it received doubled in 2019.

Stop It Now! (SIN) [editor’s abbreviation], an anonymous helpline and website which tries to help people understand the reasons for their illegal behaviour and how to get support, said 94,342 people in the UK asked for help via its website and helpline.