In Depth:  Sharon James

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More harm than good

More harm than good

Sharon James

Book Review BAD THERAPY: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up

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Exposing the doors of deception

Exposing the doors of deception

Sharon James


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An unexpected cultural ally

An unexpected cultural ally

Sharon James

Book Review THE CASE AGAINST THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION: A new guide to sex in the 21st century.

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A dazzling theatre for God’s glory

A dazzling theatre for God’s glory

Sharon James

Sharon James looks at the role of Christianity in the public square

In 1793 a poor cobbler from an obscure village in Northamptonshire arrived in Calcutta. Driven by the conviction that God should be glorified in all nations, William Carey (1761–1834) is remembered as the father of the modern mission movement and as a great educationalist and social reformer.



Sharon James

On 2 May, Daniel and Amy McArthur faced the cameras massed outside court for the third time in four years.

The Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, had come over to Belfast for the first time ever to hear their appeal. The County Court and Appeal Court had both ruled it was wrong of Ashers Baking Co. to refuse an order for a cake promoting gay marriage.

God’s Word for all

God’s Word for all

Sharon James


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Understand the sexual revolution

Understand the sexual revolution

Sharon James

Sharon James reviews a landmark book on the subject

Do you want your five-year-old child to be taught he or she can choose from a vast array of gender identities?

What to think about swapping sexes

What to think about swapping sexes

Sharon James


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Sharon James

On 24 October 2016, the owners of Ashers Bakery lost their appeal.

In May 2014, Mr Gareth Lee, a gay rights campaigner, asked a Christian family company in Belfast to decorate a campaign cake with the slogan ‘Support Gay Marriage’. They declined the order. In May 2015 a district judge found them to have unlawfully discriminated. The family appealed. The Court of Appeal in Belfast delivered their judgment on 24 October 2016. The McArthurs had lost their appeal against the claim of discrimination.

Best account of the conversion of a Muslim

Best account of the conversion of a Muslim

Sharon James

Book Review SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christ

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Head above the parapet in today’s culture wars

Head above the parapet in today’s culture wars

Sharon James

Book Review WE CANNOT BE SILENT: Speaking truth to a culture redefining sex, marriage, and the very meaning of right and wrong

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Keeping your kids safe

Keeping your kids safe

Sharon James

On Saturday 14 May, Emmanuel Church Leamington hosted a morning for parents of children from primary to early teenagers.

The ever-present dangers presented by social media, the issues of ‘sexting’ and online grooming, not to speak of the reality of harmful material sometimes being presented to children at school – means that parents need to protect their children.

Why women are wronged

Why women are wronged

Sharon James

Book Review SCARS ACROSS HUMANITY: Understanding and Overcoming Violence against Women

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Lausanne’s legacy

Sharon James
Date posted: 1 Apr 2016

Dear Sir,

Many thanks to Ranald Macaulay for his clear, helpful and important article in the March en.

A new theory of normal?

Sharon James

Book Review PLASTIC PEOPLE How Queer Theory is changing us (Latimer Studies 73)

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Elizabeth Prentiss - more love to thee

Sharon James

Elizabeth Prentiss was born in Portland, Maine, in 1818, the daughter of a well-known revival preacher, Dr. Edward Payson.

As a young girl, she was present in services where there was a powerful awareness of the holiness of God; she witnessed scenes of corporate conviction of sin and, as a youngster, she was committed to praying for the conversion of her friends. Although her father died just before her tenth birthday, his abiding legacy to Elizabeth was two-fold: a passion for holiness, and a conviction that surrender to the sovereign will of God is the way to real peace.

Doomed romance

Sharon James

Book Review LETTERS TO LYDIA ‘Beloved Persis’

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Sharon James

Book Review By Steve Chalke

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Sharon James

Book Review A Missionary Childhood in war-torn China

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Domestic violence and the church

Sharon James

The reality

In August 2002, the British Medical Journal published an article on domestic violence, where it asserted that around one quarter of women in the UK have been physically assaulted by a current or former male partner (BMJ, vol. 325, pl.317).

Commonly quoted figures are that two women are killed every week by their partner or ex-partner; that an incident of domestic violence is reported to the police every six seconds, but only an estimated 2% of incidents are ever reported to the police.

In trouble and in joy

Sharon James

'The glory of God seemed to be all, and in all, and to swallow up every wish and desire of my heart' - Sarah Edwards.

We have heard much this year about the great American preacher Jonathan Edwards, as 2003 is the 300th anniversary of his birth.

The family factor

Sharon James

Book Review DECONSTRUCTING THE DUTCH UTOPIA: Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the Netherlands

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Fashion for the cathedral aisle

Sharon James

Book Review JOBS FOR THE BOYS? Women who became priests

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Testimony of a converted feminist

Sharon James


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Musical discord

Sharon James

Controversy in the letters page of EN regarding the new Praise! hymn book has set some historical alarm bells ringing. It seems that there is nothing new under the sun . . .

Since the Reformation1 protestant churches have divided, rancorously, over musical matters with depressing regularity. At different times, all manner of issues have caused bitter dispute. Often a conservative old guard opposed 'dangerous innovations'. Usually the dangerous innovation soon became general practice, and the oceans of print spilled over its introduction were completely forgotten. Below are listed some of the arguments that have raged over singing in church down the centuries.

The Sex-Change Society - Feminised Britain and the Neutered Male

Sharon James

Book Review The Sex-Change Society: Feminised Britain and the neutered male

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Conversations on Christian Feminism - Speaking Heart to Heart

Sharon James

Book Review Conversations on Christian Feminism: Speaking Heart to Heart

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Liberating Women for the Gospel - Women in Evangelism

Sharon James


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The devil's work: deconstructing a culture

Sharon James

Book Review An Intelligent Person's Guide to Modern Culture

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Dark Heart - The Shocking Truth about Hidden Britain

Sharon James

Book Review Dark Heart: The Shocking Truth about Hidden Britain

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From Persecution to Prosperity - The Dissenters (Volume II)

Sharon James

Book Review From persecution to prosperity

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Relativism in the education system (Bulldog for September)

Sharon James

Ten years ago, an American professor wrote 'The Closing of the American Mind: How higher education has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today's students' (Alan Bloom, Simon and Schuster, 1987).

This was a devastating indictment of the American education system. Bloom demonstrated the catastrophic consequences of abandoning belief in 'true truth' or absolute values. But what about the situation in Britain? What philosophical assumptions lie behind our education system? Progressive educational philosophy was a reaction against 'repressive' traditional teaching techniques, such as rote-learning, whole class teaching, and streaming. The 'child-centred' approach advocated methods taking account of individual needs.

Marriage and its Modern Crisis

Sharon James

Book Review Marriage and its Modern Crisis: repairing married life

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Harriet Beecher Stowe - A Life

Sharon James

Book Review Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Life among the lowly

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Uncle Tom's Cabin

Sharon James

Book Review Uncle Tom's Cabin: or, Life among the lowly

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Things the media probably won't tell you

Sharon James

The traditional family is under attack but are we really being told all the facts?

For 30 years now, many in the intelligentsia have blamed the nuclear family for the ills in society. The family is portrayed as the seed bed of repression and hypocrisy, of frustration and stereotyped gender roles. At the very least the media bombards us with 'evidence' to show that the family is 'just another lifestyle choice', and even some within the established church have jumped on this bandwagon.