In Depth:  Selwyn Hughes

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My story

Selwyn Hughes

I have no hesitation in saying that the greatest and most momentous decision I have ever made in my life was the decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

Prior to my conversion I had always felt, to some degree at least, that there was a longing within my heart to know God in the way my parents seemed to know him, but I was afraid to pursue it in case I might be disappointed. Many times God had tapped at the window-pane of my soul. Like times just before bedtime when I would kneel to pray - something I had been taught as a child - and the feeling would come over me that I needed to take spiritual realities more seriously. Even in my most rebellious times, I would never slip under the blankets without saying a prayer. It was a simple and short prayer recited very quickly:

The people of the Book

Selwyn Hughes

One of the alarming trends in today's evangelical community is the low priority being given to the importance of the daily or regular reading and study of the Scriptures.

The consequences of this are alarming, for unless something is done to correct this trend, future generations might turn out to be charismatically sophisticated but biblically illiterate.