In Depth:  Scribbler

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Sharp cards


Sharp cards

The new range of Christmas cards from The Good Book Company could be just what you are looking for to stir up the interest of your relatives and friends.

The 15 cards in this year's range have something for everyone - from the more traditional images of Christmas with appropriate Bible texts, to cheeky cartoons which have the advantage of not looking like Christmas cards at all!

Pearl Harbor


None Review A pearl of great price? PEARL HARBOR Cert. 12 This latest Hollywood summer blockbuster from Twentieth Century Fox gives us history with a tinsel-town makeover.

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The Iron Giant


None Review The Iron Giant

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Does Reform need a reformation? (Bulldog for July)


I'm sat at my desk looking at the latest mailing from Reform, which has asked me to re-register my membership, and I'm asking myself the question: 'Should I?'

I joined Reform at the very beginning, thrilled, like many, that at last there was going to be some kind of organised resistance to the increasing apostasy of the Anglican hierarchy. And there have been high points and some successes to that resistance. Reform seemed to become the media spokesman for biblical Christianity at one stage when the issues were flying think and fast. Certainly Reform's existence has given heart to many who are striving to be faithful to the Word of God within the Anglican set up, but my questions is, after all the huffing and puffing and posturing-what has it actually achieved?