In Depth:  Sarah Creedy

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General Election?

Sarah Creedy

Book Review VOTEWISE

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The Politics of Hope

Sarah Creedy

Book Review By Jonathan Sacks

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Bully for you?

Sarah Creedy

Book Review Bullying: what can parents do?

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Handbook on Religious Liberty

Sarah Creedy

Book Review Handbook on religious liberty around the world

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Dealing with disturbances in church

Sarah Creedy

Picture this scene. It's Sunday morning in your local church and the second hymn has just finished.

As the page number for the Bible reading is announced, more than a dozen people scattered throughout the congregation climb onto their chairs, unroll banners and begin chanting insults and obscenities so that the pastor is unable to make himself heard. A second group bursts through the main doors and parade round the church throwing leaflets as they shout at the congregation. What happens next?