In Depth:  Ros Clarke

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Keswick: ‘My conversations online with AI’

Keswick: ‘My conversations online with AI’

Ros Clarke

Have you experimented with ChatGPT or Google Bard? These two extraordinary chatbots based on large language models can have ‘conversations’ about anything and everything.

It is like an interactive form of Wikipedia, a helpline, a travel guide, a review site, and much, much more. The conversations can mimic ordinary human chat to an incredible degree. They were very excited to hear all about my new dog and asked sensible questions, though it was a bit like talking to a child who has just read a book and wants to list all the facts they have learned.

Evangelicals speak out movingly at CofE’s General Synod

Ros Clarke

Over five hot and sunny days at the University of York, the Church of England’s General Synod met to debate and discuss issues of national and international concern, as well as internal church business.

The war in Ukraine, assisted dying, and age limits on pornography were among the issues where Synod agreed motions calling Parliament and the nation to act in accordance with Christian morality. Many evangelical members were amongst those who gave moving speeches sharing personal testimony of these evils and also of the transformative power of the gospel in these situations.

Evangelical Futures: What’s the future for C of E complementarians?

Evangelical Futures: What’s the future for C of E complementarians?

Ros Clarke

Is there a future for complementarianism in the Church of England?

Thirty years ago, when the first ordinations of women priests were beginning, the Church of England claimed to hold ‘two integrities’. Both those in favour of such ordinations and those opposed on grounds of theological conviction were held to represent valid Anglican orthodoxy. The balance changed with the consecration of women as bishops. At that point, the church declared that women should rightly be able to serve in any office in the Church of England. There is now only one integrity.

Realism about death

Realism about death

Ros Clarke

Audio Review The End of the Christian Life

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Everyday Dadding

Everyday Dadding

Ros Clarke


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If you’re not a natural  evangelist, listen to this!
podcast review

If you’re not a natural evangelist, listen to this!

Ros Clarke

I’m not a natural evangelist. I find it hard and the outcomes are rarely encouraging. I need regular pep talks in order to keep persevering with it.

Train	your	mind	in	Christ
podcast review

Train your mind in Christ

Ros Clarke

‘A Christian mind is not one that is trained to think only about Christian topics. It is a mind that has learned to think about everything from a Christian perspective.’