In Depth:  Ron Granger

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To call or not to call...

Ron Granger
Date posted: 1 Sep 2015

Dear Editor,

I refer you to the above article by Aaron Menikoff in August’s en. As a young Christian in the 1950s, I remember a regular feature of local Baptist Church services was the appeal for those who were under conviction of sin through the Holy Spirit there and then to repeat in their hearts the prayer the evangelist used for repentance and to come forward as an act of commitment to Christ. Chosen folk would be at the front of the church to counsel any who came forward.


Yorkshire’s needs

Ron Granger
Date posted: 1 Jul 2015

Dear Editor,

Obviously from your June front page article in en it is evident that Yorkshire with 5.5 million people is desperately in need of the gospel – large areas without large evangelical churches.


Churches large and small

Ron Granger
Date posted: 1 Mar 2015

Dear Sir,

Thank you for the article giving the background to the rebuilding of Lansdowne Baptist, Bournemouth (February The construction of the existing building 138 years ago by the membership was then very visionary. I agree the chapel does not seem to be very welcoming and suitable for today’s church. Think, though, of all those sacrificial gifts given to the Lord in 1877, so that it could be built.