In Depth:  Robin Sydserff

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Remembering why we preach the Bible

Remembering why we preach the Bible

Robin Sydserff Robin Sydserff

When a minister comes to the end of their time serving in a church, it is a time for reflection. For me, 15 years as Senior Minister of Chalmers Church in Edinburgh is coming to an end, and I find myself in reflective mood.

In his book Transforming Preaching (Christian Focus), David Jackman reminds us that the health and effectiveness of both our individual Christian lives and our corporate church communities are directly dependent on the ministry of God’s word. Prayer and the ministry of the word are the indispensable core of all Christian ministry.

Light in Scots' darkness

Robin Sydserff Robin Sydserff

At its General Assembly last May, the Church of Scotland took a decision that set a ‘trajectory’ towards recognising same-sex relationships as appropriate for those in leadership in the Church.

This is one of a number of decisions that marks a radical departure from biblical orthodoxy. Evangelicals now find themselves facing in a different direction from the denomination. While technically no decision has been made (a theological commission will report to the General Assembly in 2013), the majority of evangelicals believe that the path is set. The progress of secular legislation through the Scottish Parliament will add further impetus to the liberal agenda.