In Depth:  Robin Peake

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The Third Degree

Robin Peake

From Aberdeen to Plymouth over 80 CUs have been holding mission weeks up and down the country in the early months of this year, and thousands of students have been hearing about Jesus.

At Exeter, each evening over 200 students, mostly non-Christians, crammed into a caf? for the CU’s ‘Reality’ week’. Many heard the gospel proclaimed for the first time and over 20 made professions of faith. In Edinburgh, 183 seeker questions were answered by the CU. Over 100 students turned up at Lancaster CU’s lunchbars and at Nottingham Trent. So many came to one entitled ‘What is true love?’ that they ran out of food before the talk began! In London, Roehampton usually gets eight at lunchbars, but this year averaged over 40 and Kingston saw a similar growth.