In Depth:  Robert Strivens

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Restoring the rightful place of repentance

Restoring the rightful place of repentance

Robert Strivens

Book Review THE FEASTS OF REPENTANCE: From Luke-Acts to systematic and pastoral theology

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Robert Strivens

Book Review ORTHODOX RADICALS Baptist identity in the English Revolution

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A poor defence of the faith

A poor defence of the faith

Robert Strivens


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Thank you for the music, the songs we’re singing?

Thank you for the music, the songs we’re singing?

Robert Strivens

Book Review SINGING THE CONGREGATION: How contemporary worship music forms evangelical community

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Westminster Conference

Westminster Conference

Robert Strivens

About 120 gathered on 4 – 5 December at Regent Hall, Oxford Circus, for the 2018 Westminster Conference.

The format was the same as ever – three papers a day, with substantial and helpful discussion following each paper except for the last one. The conference focuses on historical theology and its relevance for today, with particular emphasis on the Reformers and Puritans.

Radical histories

Radical histories

Robert Strivens

Book Review WHEN GOD WAS KING: Rebels & Radicals of the Civil War & Mayflower Generation

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The call to the ministry

Robert Strivens
Date posted: 1 Oct 2017

Dear Editor,

I was glad to see Roger Weil’s article on the call to full-time ministry, in August’s en. I wonder if I could underline what Roger says about the involvement of the local church in the process.

How does the Bible understand other faiths?

How does the Bible understand other faiths?

Robert Strivens

Book Review ‘FOR THEIR ROCK IS NOT AS OUR ROCK’ An evangelical theology of religions

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How God sees us

Robert Strivens


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The office?

Robert Strivens

Book Review EVERY GOOD ENDEAVOUR Connecting your work to God’s plan for the world

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Cruel to be kind?

Robert Strivens

Book Review WHEN HELPING HURTS How to alleviate poverty without hurting the poor ... and yourself

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Atheism's new clothes

Robert Strivens

Book Review ATHEISM’S NEW CLOTHES Exploring and exposing the claims of the New Atheists

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ML-J bursaries

Robert Strivens

One of the most stimulating aspects of working at London Theological Seminary (LTS) is the wide variety of the backgrounds of the men who we train.

With students from four or five continents coming to London Theological Seminary, the cultural mix is ideally suited to training pastors and preachers for the global village in which we now all live. How did this come about?

Why go to Bible college?

Robert Strivens

Sam believes that he is called to full-time gospel ministry. His church leaders agree.

He has led a home group for some time and has done a little preaching. He is a godly man and gives evidence of having the necessary gifts. He and the elders of the church think it is time for him to begin serious training. How should he go about it?

Sad old attack on inerrancy

Robert Strivens

Book Review THE WORD OF GOD? The Bible after modern scholarship

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No place for us

Robert Strivens

Book Review THE CALL AND THE COMMISSION Equipping a New Generation of Leaders for a New World

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Is the Bible understandable?

Robert Strivens

Book Review A CLEAR AND PRESENT WORD The clarity of Scripture

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Really useful

Robert Strivens

Book Review WISDOM FROM HEAVEN The message of James for today

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