In Depth:  Robert Coulson

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Rejoicing during lockdown

Robert Coulson
Date posted: 1 Jul 2020

Dear Editor,

Although the Covid-19 virus has affected Christians as well as everyone else, we can continue to ‘rejoice in the Lord’, for we have the glorious prospect of being forever with him – the best of personal destinies.


Brexit prayers

Robert Coulson
Date posted: 1 Aug 2017

Dear Editor,

Now that Brexit negotiations have begun, we should pray that, as well as gaining full control of our borders and laws, the UK and EU will co-operate on trade, defence and security, etc. for our mutual benefit.


Churchill on Europe

Robert Coulson
Date posted: 1 Nov 2016

Dear Editor,

Further to Bert Weenink’s letter on ‘Lewis and Europe’ (August en), readers might like to know Churchill’s view of Europe in the aftermath of WWII.


Lewis and the EU

Robert Coulson
Date posted: 1 Jul 2016

Dear Editor,

Further to the excellent article on the EU by David Burrowes M.P. (June en) your readers might like to note the following comment made by C. S. Lewis in a letter of 15 September 1953 to Don Giovanni Calabria: ‘I feel that very grave dangers hang over us. This results from the apostacy of the great part of Europe from the Christian faith.’