In Depth:  Robert Amess

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Sir Eric Richardson, 1905-2006

Robert Amess

The national heavies have published obituaries to Sir Eric (Eric to his friends for he had no pomposity) and there is no need for the monumental achievements to be reiterated here. From a humble cottage home and leaving school at 15, Eric become a giant in the field of education. That a grateful nation heaped honours upon Eric is not a surprise…

Neither is it the occasion to speak of his marriage to May – in her own right a significant Christian leader – or of his and the family’s sacrificial support as she battled (and still does) with the curse of Alzheimer’s disease. It is Eric as a man of God that will be the story here.


Robert Amess

Book Review By Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

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The Strategy of the Spirit?

Robert Amess

Book Review By Peter Hocken

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