In Depth:  Right to Life

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Northern Ireland: abortion critiques

Northern Ireland: abortion critiques

Right to Life

The influential Secondary Legislation Scrutiny Committee released a report in April which is highly critical of the UK Government’s approach to imposing abortion on Northern Ireland.

The Committee highlighted a number of concerns with the new regulations.

Abortion laws challenged

Abortion laws challenged

Right to Life

On 3 October it was ruled that Northern Ireland’s abortion law breaches the UK’s human-rights commitments.

Sarah Ewart challenged the law after she was denied a termination. The judge said that she ruled in Mrs Ewart’s favour as it was not right to ask another woman to relive the trauma that she had already experienced. Mrs Ewart had travelled to England for a termination when tests showed her baby had a condition that meant life beyond the womb was unlikely.

Australia: death threats for those... who vote for life

Right to Life

MPs in New South Wales have received death threats for voting against a new extreme abortion bill which would make abortion legal up to birth, it was reported in August.

Two Liberal Party MPs, Anthony Roberts and Tanya Davies, report that they have received death threats which are being investigated by police.

Bonuses for those who kill more

Bonuses for those who kill more

Right to Life

Marie Stopes International’s (MSI) chief executive, earned a 100% performance-related bonus on his salary in 2018, effectively rewarding him for increasing the number of abortions MSI undertook. According to accounts released by Companies House in August, Simon Cooke earned £217,250 as his basic salary which was doubled to £434,500.

MSI performed 4.8 million abortions in 2018 across the 37 countries in which they operate. This figure is up from 4.1 million the previous year, an increase of 17.1%. In the UK, MSI performed approximately a third of all abortions.

Question on female abortion

Question on female abortion

Right to Life

Member of the All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group David Amess received, in mid-October, an answer to his Written Parliamentary Question asking Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt about the circumstances in which abortions are carried out on the grounds that the foetus is female.

The question also asked about investigations into such abortions and further steps that will be taken regarding cases of sex selection abortions.