In Depth:  Richard Lacey

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Why are fewer young men becoming Christian leaders?

Richard Lacey

In the summer of 2005, a nationwide survey was conducted by Generation Next, in association with Affinity. Its aim was to pin-point the reasons why fewer young men have emerged as Christian leaders in recent years.

The survey was completed by 400 men, mostly aged between 18-40. Last month a major 33-page report was published on the survey’s findings. It makes compulsory reading for all those concerned about where the next generation of pastors is going to come from.

Would Paul use PowerPoint?

Richard Lacey

Here Richard looks at the advantages and disadvantages of using presentation packages in church services.

Unchurched Ursula and Pagan Pete nervously smooth down their 'Sunday best' as they park outside the church where their nephew is being 'done'.

Would Paul have used PowerPoint?

Richard Lacey

As the final chord of the hymn dies away the congregation sits and, to everyone's surprise, the lights go out.

The voice of Buddy Holly singing 'That'll be the day' comes through the PA. The front projector screen lights up and starts scrolling through photo after photo of famous faces, each dead, with the date they died displayed underneath. Albert Einstein, April 18 1955; Elvis Presley, August 16 1977; Princess Diana, August 31 1997; Jill Dando, April 16 1999.