In Depth:  Richard Cunningham

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Living Christianly in a Covid world

Living Christianly in a Covid world

Richard Cunningham

Richard Cunningham explores C.S. Lewis’ sermon, ‘Learning in Wartime’ and what we may learn from it in the midst of a pandemic

I understood just how strange and surreal life had become under the shadow of Covid-19 when, waking from a vivid dream, I found conscious reality stranger than my night visions.

Michael Green 1930 – 2019

Michael Green 1930 – 2019

Richard Cunningham

The Revd Canon Dr Michael Green (1930 –2019) died peacefully on Wednesday 6 February following ill health.

A persuasive evangelist and distinguished theologian, he was in demand as a speaker until his recent illness.

Crossroads in culture wars

Crossroads in culture wars

Richard Cunningham

Richard Cunningham of UCCF follows up last month’s article on the current attack on free speech

We find ourselves at an interesting and important moment: the culture wars which normally seem confined to the university campus are spilling out onto the fabric of wider society.



Richard Cunningham

‘The Christian Union should be banned from having a freshers’ stand.’

This was the unilateral announcement last October (2017) of two rogue members of Oxford’s Balliol College Junior Common Room Committee. This was to make the Balliol freshers’ fair a ‘safe, secular space’. This decision was subsequently overturned by an irate student body, but the incident caught the attention of the national media.

Uncover for Passion for Life 2014

Uncover for Passion for Life 2014

Richard Cunningham

Pod Bhogal talks to Richard Cunningham about reaching students and resourcing churches

Pod Bhogal, UCCF’s Head of Communications, talks to Richard Cunningham, UCCF’s Director, about the Uncover Gospel Project, the impact it has had in the student world and its potential for helping ordinary Christians — in a local church context — to introduce their friends to Jesus.

Oxford Mission

Richard Cunningham

From Aberdeen to Plymouth, tens of thousands of students have been given the opportunity to hear the gospel and respond to the claims of Jesus Christ.

UCCF students, staff and supporters have recently been at full capacity with nearly 90 large-scale missions impacting campuses up and down Britain.

The Third Degree

Richard Cunningham

Did you read about the incredible events surrounding a ‘follow up’ talk to a mission in which the speaker gathered those who had believed and accused them of being both illegitimate and children of the Devil? In response, this group of men turned violent and tried to kill him.

The speaker was, of course, Jesus and the ‘believers’ were religious Jews. To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8.31-32).