In Depth:  Rebecca Benton

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More­ gospel, ­more ­grit

More­ gospel, ­more ­grit

Rebecca Benton

Book Review BECOMING RESILIENT through suffering to come back stronger

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Balanced	about	sex

Balanced about sex

Rebecca Benton

Book Review A GUIDE TO GROWING UP: Honest Conversations about Puberty, Sex & God

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iphone, ipad, I pray

iphone, ipad, I pray

Rebecca Benton


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Love in a cold climate? film review

Love in a cold climate? film review

Rebecca Benton

Film Review FROZEN

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Bouncing back!

Rebecca Benton

The number of redundancies in the UK is at the highest level since 1995 and, with the current economic forecast looking bleak, the number of those facing loss of work looks set to increase, especially in the public sector.

Redundancy is ranked as one of the top five most stressful life experiences, alongside divorce, moving house, death of a spouse or parent, and those who are made redundant may not only face the financial pressures and related worry of losing their job, but also emotional and spiritual concerns. So how can we practically respond to redundancy? The steps below focus on how to find a new job.