In Depth:  Phillip Johnston

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Every parent’s longing
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Every parent’s longing

Phillip Johnston

One of my very first sermons was a 6,800-word Easter preach that tried to do everything.

Resurrection apologetic? Check. Whirlwind tour of redemptive history? Had to. Atonement and union with Christ? Can’t have one without the other. A few personal stories chucked in for good measure? Of course. Leaving out anything felt like a sin of omission. If everything didn’t happen, nothing would. As I gathered my copious notes from the pulpit after the service, I was approached by a retired naval commander known throughout the church for his ministry of encouragement. This Sunday, however, the encouragement was charged with admonishment. ‘Next time,’ he said, ‘say everything you just said – but with half the words.’

In Christ, alone?

In Christ, alone?

Phillip Johnston

Phillip Johnston on rethinking Christian singleness

Unmarried Christians are often forced to live within a tension created by two common and competing assumptions.