In Depth:  Phil Heaps

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Nutshell Bible

Nutshell Bible

Phil Heaps

Book Review JESUS THROUGH THE OLD TESTAMENT Transform your Bible understanding

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All-round pastor’s wife

All-round pastor’s wife

Phil Heaps

On Friday 6 November, around 250 folk gathered at Central Offices, Dewsbury, for the funeral of Susan Heaps.

Sue was the dearly loved wife of Graham Heaps, pastor at Dewsbury Evangelical Church from 1973 until last November, when Sue was first diagnosed with a brain tumour.


Children in the sermon

Phil Heaps
Date posted: 1 Jan 2014

Dear EN,

December EN’s editorial made the case for Sunday School during the sermon time. I want to gently question this common practise and the thinking behind it.

Eye-opening stimulation

Phil Heaps


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No sacred/secular divide

Phil Heaps

Book Review IMAGINE CHURCH Releasing whole life disciples

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Two overviews

Phil Heaps

Book Review REMAKING A BROKEN WORLD The heart of the Bible story

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Wright of reply

Phil Heaps

Book Review JUSTIFICATION God’s Plan and Paul’s Vision

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Hearts and bones

Phil Heaps

Book Review BODY, SOUL, AND HUMAN LIFE The nature of humanity in the Bible

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Inspiring overview

Phil Heaps

Book Review FROM EDEN TO NEW JERUSALEM Exploring God’s plan for life on earth

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Everyone gets saved?

Phil Heaps

Book Review THE EVANGELICAL UNIVERSALIST The biblical hope that God's love will save us all

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Transformed by prayer

Phil Heaps

Book Review ROBBER OF THE CRUEL STREETS The Prayerful Life of George Muller

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