In Depth:  Peter Woodcock

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Fading excitement

Peter Woodcock


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A Christian at college

Peter Woodcock

Different people react differently to going to university. Some Christians have mixed feelings - it might be dangerous to their faith . . .

Others find the prospect very exciting, and can't wait to get stuck into it. Some try to be as cool as possible. For others the biggest question is what to wear on the first day.


Peter Woodcock

Book Review TEXT: SETTING HEARTS ON FIRE (A guide to giving an evangelistic talk.)

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How I stopped being silly

Peter Woodcock

Peer group pressure! It is a big factor in a youngster's life. this proved to be especially true when I was 12 years old. I had just started at a senior school in my home town of Windsor and I was eager to make an impression on new friends.

One of those friends, Alan, invited me over to his house for some fun. When I told him I was hungry, he suggested we went to the shops and got some sweets, but neither of us had any money. But that was no problem. 'We'll just steal them', Alan said. I had some qualms about this, my parents being good, church-going people, and being aware of what God thought of stealing. But my protest soon ended when I realised that Alan's estimate of me was plummeting rapidly, and that if I was not careful, I would quickly be labelled a coward at school. Quite soon we were coming out of the shop with pockets bulging with sweets and books we had stolen.

Ultimate Realities - Finding the Heart of Evangelical Belief

Peter Woodcock

Book Review Ultimate Realities: Finding the heart of evangelical belief

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