In Depth:  Peter Sanlon

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Silent Anglicans

Silent Anglicans

Peter Sanlon

Why evangelicals in the Church of England need to talk openly

One year before WWI broke out, Winston Churchill wrote a memo: ‘Timetable of a Nightmare.’

Alternative Synod?

Alternative Synod?

Peter Sanlon

One year ago the Daily Telegraph announced on its front page the new ‘Anglican Partnership Synod’.

Nicknamed a ‘shadow synod’, it marked a new form of partnership between Anglican churches in Kent and Sussex.

Expert hubris

Peter Sanlon

Book Review THE BIBLE NOW Homosexuality, abortion, women, death penalty, earth

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Civil partnership?

Peter Sanlon

Church leaders could face the prospect of prosecution for refusing to offer civil partnership ceremonies in church.1

A Christian registrar lost her job after refusing to carry out civil partnerships.2 Legal pressure on Christians, who believe marriage is a unique institution only possible between a man and a woman, seems set to increase.