In Depth:  Peter Morrison

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HK: mission fear

HK: mission fear

Peter Morrison

Christian missions from across the world, which are based in Hong Kong, may be forced out, it is feared.

There is an increasing ‘climate of fear’ in the former colony, according to a missionary speaking under a pseudonym to Evangelicals Now.



Peter Morrison

When I visited China in Spring last year (2018) house-church leaders told me that new government religious regulations promulgated in February were already beginning to bite.

Sunday School and youth work were particularly targeted and house-churches ordered to register or disband. In the nine months since then, the situation has deteriorated even further with a veritable storm of persecution unleashed against the church.

China - a ripe harvest field

Peter Morrison

I climbed the worn steps of the former Presbyterian church in a large city in east China. As nearly every seat was taken I had to go to the highest gallery of the church.

It was the mid-week young people's meeting. It began with some rousing singing of both traditional hymns and modern choruses. Then the young pastor gave a 45-minute Bible study from the Old Testament on being sensitive to the guidance of God in every circumstance.