In Depth:  Peter Brown

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Imp-licit preaching

Peter Brown

We live in a world of very effective preaching. Surprised? But this world is far removed from the pulpit. Direct preaching words are rarely used, as the media, advertising and politicians implicitly divert society from Christian values.

As Satan's teaching breaks no laws, imp-licit is trebly appropriate. Sadly, the Church can also implicitly preach bad messages in rather similar ways, albeit unwittingly - and these stumbling blocks to faith are the burden of this article.

Must you sing in church? (Bulldog for September)

Peter Brown

Is music necessary in worship? And must one always have so much music? As an organist myself, my unqualified answer is: 'No'.

It is perfectly possible to worship without music or with just a bare minimum of hymns. Indeed, many find singing anything an effort. How-ever, if the answer is yes, both the music and its performance assume great importance. Music is such a powerful medium. For the sensitive, it is potent in creating atmosphere, appropriate music helpfully enhancing the text. It can also be an initial attraction for the outsider.