In Depth:  People International UK

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Afghanistan: God at work

People International UK

Gospel work continues despite the ongoing violence and destruction in Afghanistan which last year saw an attack on a university and a maternity hospital

A missionary* just returned from the area writes: ‘Where is God in all this? “How long, LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, ‘Violence!’ but you do not save?” ’

Experiencing The Underground

Experiencing The Underground

People International UK

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to meet in secret as an underground church? Have you ever felt that it is almost impossible to imagine what it’s like to meet under persecution? How do you meet? How does it feel? How do you worship when you can’t make any noise? What are the issues? When challenged, what do you say and how do you react?

A mission organisation in a Central Asian region has begun to challenge Christians in more comfortable surroundings to consider what it would be like to meet in secret.