200 years of the gospel at Grove Chapel
Paul Yeulett
2019 marks the bicentenary of Grove Chapel, Camberwell, south London, an historic, independent and non-conformist congregation in which the gospel has been faithfully preached throughout its history.
It all began with the conversion of a young man from Hertfordshire called Joseph Irons (1785-1852), who very soon experienced a desire to preach Christ and, through a remarkable series of providential events, found himself preaching at Camden Chapel in Camberwell, a mile or so from the present site of Grove Chapel. After being rejected by those in charge of the church for preaching God’s sovereign grace and faith in Christ alone, a breakaway group called Irons as pastor of a new church, in a new building.
Dr Enid Parker 1920 – 2016
Paul Yeulett
On 8 April 2016, Dr Enid Parker, known
as ‘Asamolta’ or the ‘Red Lioness’ to the
Afar people of East Africa, went to be with
the Lord she served for so long.
By the time she was born in Edenfield in
Lancashire in 1920, her father’s health had
been ruined by the Great War; he died when
Enid was only seven. Her mother was unable
to care for Enid and her two brothers, who
were all cared for by relatives.
Praying for God to raise up new true leaders
Everywhere you look, you see politics and politicians. News coverage has seldom been as dominated by politics as it has been for the last year or so.
Election fever gripped first the UK, then the US, and just a few months later the whole political landscape is in a state of dramatic flux. Opinion polls are all over the place; it takes a brave person to predict the next few months, let alone the next few years. If, two generations ago, Harold Wilson said that ‘a week is a long time in politics’, in these days of social media, AI bots and multi-billionaire political donors, a week seems like an eternity.