In Depth:  Paul Woodbridge

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No more Athanasian apathy!

No more Athanasian apathy!

Paul Woodbridge

Book Review ATHANASIUS OF ALEXANDRIA: His life & impact

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Still unconvinced

Paul Woodbridge
Date posted: 1 Feb 2020

Dear Editor,

It is a source of regret that there is such sharp division among evangelicals over the issue of women’s ministry in the church. In John Samuel’s review of Andrew Bartlett’s book Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light from the Biblical Texts (IVP, 2019) in the November issue of en, it was good to see the reviewer’s affirmation that this should be handled as a secondary issue, with generosity towards those who differ on it.

Election in excelsis

Election in excelsis

Paul Woodbridge

Book Review CHOSEN IN CHRIST: Revisiting the Contours of Predestination

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Fletcher: More to be uncovered?

Paul Woodbridge
Date posted: 1 Sep 2019

Dear Sir,

Jonathan Worsley’s piece on the Jonathan Fletcher affair in August’s en was extremely helpful and needed. May I make one comment? His 2nd point, ‘We look to our own uncleanness’ is important, but one of my concerns in all this stuff is the amount of cover-up that has gone on – not just with Jonathan Fletcher, but with evangelical ministers I am aware of who have not behaved well. Some have said that we should not reveal what has happened, because we are potentially just as bad. I wonder if revealing such issues are not necessarily about wishing to elevate ourselves, rather, these mattes need to come into the open, so they can be dealt with properly.