In Depth:  Paul Williams

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Holy God

Holy God

Paul Williams


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Duracell bunnies 2 !

Duracell bunnies 2 !

Paul Williams

Book Review HOW TO MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE LAST A Husband’s Guide

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Hot Calvinism

Paul Williams


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The God who sends storms

Paul Williams

Book Review JONAH Navigating a God-centred life

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How to visit holiday churches

Paul Williams

You’ve probably heard about the minister who was about to go on holiday. He was told by one of his church members, ‘The devil doesn’t take a holiday, pastor’. He quickly replied, ‘And if I don’t take a holiday I will end up just like him!’

The fact is, we all need to take time out for rest with an annual holiday of some kind. But, for most of us, going away is also an opportunity to visit another church and meet believers we have never met before.

In pain

Paul Williams

Book Review THE ONE BIG QUESTION The God of love in a world of suffering

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Mission in mind

Paul Williams

Book Review JONAH Pride & Prejudice

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I let Jesus in... or Why we must preach repentance

Paul Williams

‘Our churches are graveyards of people who… “opened the door” but have never repented; they have never come to terms with Christ’s Lordship.’

John Chapman wrote those words 20 years ago in his excellent book Know and Tell the Gospel and, despite thousands of copies being sold and scores of us saying how good Chappo’s book is and adding it to our recommended reading list, it seems that few evangelists have taken much note of his words.

Where have all the evangelists gone?

Paul Williams

Open the church press to the situations vacant pages. What do you see? Jobs for administrators, musical directors, pastors and youth workers - especially youth workers, who in recent years have become a welcome new fixture on many staff teams.

But what about the evangelist? I suspect that he will only find a home once the musical director, pastor, assistant pastor, worship leader and youth worker are already present and correct. To have an evangelist on the staff is the equivalent of buying a deep pile carpet, a villa in the Maldives or in-car satellite navigation. It's nice if you can afford it, but it's a bit extravagant, surely?