In Depth:  Paul Spear

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Not just for preachers

Not just for preachers

Paul Spear

Book Review HOW SHALL THEY HEAR? Why non-preachers need to know what preaching is

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Super ­sermons

Super ­sermons

Paul Spear


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Shall I go?

Shall I go?

Paul Spear

Book Review WHY BOTHER WITH CHURCH? And other questions about why you need it and why it needs you

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Gadebridge: new premises

Gadebridge: new premises

Paul Spear

In September of this year members and friends of Gadebridge Grace Baptist Church in Hemel Hempstead gathered to officially open their new premises.

The original buildings were constructed as Hemel Hempstead new town was being built in the late 1950s. They included two temporary buildings which had long outlived their original sell-by date. The new buildings are bigger, more efficient and much more user friendly.