In Depth:  Paul Morris

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The name of Israel

Paul Morris
Date posted: 1 Dec 2018

Dear en,

Why should a British evangelical missionary organisation to the Jewish people need to consider dropping the word Israel from its title? Because the wrong attitudes and thoughts about the Jewish people, which you rightly warned your readers against (en, October 2018, p.5), exist among British evangelicals.

Old Testament churches

Old Testament churches

Paul Morris

Paul Morris asks if our Christian creeds do a good job in reflecting our Jewish roots

It is an alarming but true thought that many churches have a statement of faith which ignores the Old Testament.


One to one evangelism

Paul Morris
Date posted: 1 Dec 2017

Dear en,

Welcome to our world! It is a measure of how far the culture of the general population of the UK has shifted that Rico Tice wisely recommends one-to-one Bible study as a good approach for sharing the gospel with many of our contemporaries. Those of us who have specialised in witness to, for example, Muslims and Jews, have long viewed such a method as standard because we are asking people to step outside of their culture, one which developed in an atmosphere of opposition to the gospel; and people don’t usually do that in groups. In reality, that is what we are asking most of our contemporaries to do nowadays –- to connect with those whose views are increasingly seen as culturally unacceptable; something not easily done in groups. We need to adapt.


Concern for Jewish friends

Paul Morris
Date posted: 1 Aug 2013

Dear EN,

I returned to the UK in March 2011 after ten years in Sydney, Australia. Before I left I used to read regularly The Jewish Chronicle, the weekly newspaper of the UK Jewish community, and now I have returned I enjoy doing so again.

Revealing Jesus as Messiah - Identifying Isaiah's Servant of the Lord

Paul Morris

Book Review REVEALING JESUS AS MESSIAH Identifying Isaiah's Servant of the Lord

Read review

Jews, Muslims and Christendom - coming to terms with the past

Paul Morris

Among those concerned to evangelise Jews and Muslims, there are a growing number who believe the church's approach must involve a formal, public expression of repentance or apology for the wrongs committed in the name of Christ in the past against Jews and Muslims. Is this correct?

For Muslims, the focus is on the effects of the Crusades of the 11th century, but for Jews, the history is longer and more complex. As a missionary to the Jews, I want to consider the issues within the Jewish framework, but the principles apply equally to the Muslim experience.