Presbyterian planting
It’s not exactly revival when it comes to Presbyterianism in England but there are real encouragements. Two denominations, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of England and Wales (EPCEW), and the International Presbyterian Church (IPC), both faithful, are small but growing.
EPCEW has 17 congregations in England and Wales, while the IPC has 12 churches in England and Scotland. Here are two recent encouragements.
Building in Ealing
International Presbyterian Church (IPC), Ealing were delighted to open their new building on 17 November.
Founded in 1969 and grown out of the work of L’Abri, in 1979 it bought St Helena Chapel and this provided a wonderful home for the next 25 years. Redevelopment plans were slow, first mooted in 1990 and the building committee was formed in 2005! Alongside setbacks – English heritage listed the Chapel and so that had to be incorporated into the design – Piercey and Company, the architects, have done a fantastic job with the design.