In Depth:  Paul Barnes

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Dick Saunders   1930 – 2018

Dick Saunders 1930 – 2018

Paul Barnes

Dick Saunders, international ‘crusade’ and radio evangelist, Bible teacher and pastor, died 19 January, 2018 aged 87.

Richard (‘Dick’) Stephen Saunders was born in Hailsham, East Sussex, on 16 July, 1930, the son of a Strict Baptist lay-pastor, Alfred Saunders. He grew up surrounded by the prayers and godly example of his parents, and trusted Christ as his own Saviour at the age of 18. Soon after his conversion he married Betty (née Thomas).

A turning point in our society?

A turning point in our society?

Paul Barnes

Paul Barnes interviews Mike Overd and comments on the Street Preacher Movement

A new threshold was crossed for British justice in February.

A weekend for Muslims

A weekend for Muslims

Paul Barnes

Over 70 people gathered at The Hayes Conference Centre in Derbyshire for a weekend of prayer for Muslims, 10-12 June.

Longstanding members of the Fellowship of Faith for the Muslims (FFM) mingled with representatives of various mission organisations – some of whom were serving missionaries visiting the UK: a couple from South India serving with Tribals Transformation India; an Indian Manipuri family with three children serving with SIM in Bangladesh; and a couple from Basel serving in France. There were several believers who had turned to Christ from a Muslim background, including an Iranian family who were present with their two children, having fled persecution in Iran.

Nepal: shaken to the core

Nepal: shaken to the core

Paul Barnes

‘We are expecting a massive earthquake someday.’

A Christian leader told me this when I visited Kathmandu a couple of years ago. Nobody knew when, but they knew it was coming: the seismologists predicted it.

India: breaking the dependency cycle

Paul Barnes

The Letters page of the January issue of Evangelicals Now (p.23) included a call for help from a pastor in India.

Over the years in my work of running India Link Ministries (a UK registered charity), I have received dozens of letters pleading for help.