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Peter Maiden 1948 – 2020

Peter Maiden 1948 – 2020


On 14 July 2020, our dear brother in Christ Peter Maiden met his Saviour face to face. With his passion for exegetical preaching and his shepherd’s heart, Peter leaves a legacy of sharing God’s truth with love and compassion that will live on within world missions.

As the International Director of OM from 2003 to 2013, Peter emphasised the spirituality of OM team members and the importance of God’s word permeating the entire life of Jesus followers. While leading a life of total surrender to Jesus, in both his public and personal life, he demonstrated a quiet steadiness coupled with a visionary passion for seeing the lives of people around the world changed by Christ. Under his leadership and guidance, new ministries developed as part of OM’s growing holistic approach to mission.

El Salvador: faith on the frontline

El Salvador: faith on the frontline


Josué Sánchez, 32, from El Salvador, knows all about risk.

‘I grew up in the most dangerous town in Central America,’ Josué said. ‘There are violent gangs who fight for territory and will kill for no reason. Everyone in El Salvador faces this every day. It’s a matter of knowing how to survive. It’s like: “Welcome to the jungle”.’

Abkhazia: beacon of light

Abkhazia: beacon of light


War-torn Abkhazia, a partially recognised republic of Georgia, has seen a number of children coming to Christ in recent months.

Many in the area are involved with crime and suicide attempts are frequent. Children also live under the spiritual oppression of the pagan traditions. In such conditions, the teenage club at the church is a beacon of light for teenagers in the town. It is a place for children to develop, learn new things, and spend quality time together.

France: Muslims find Christ

France: Muslims find Christ


Martin and Petro Delange joined OM France in 2012 to begin and grow a work among the large Turkish community in France, a community that has had little exposure to the gospel.

At the present time, they work among groups of Christian Turks in six French towns. Below, Martin shares a recent experience sharing the Word of God with Turkish-speaking believers.

Algeria: God has raised up his church

Algeria: God has raised up his church


When OM Field Leader Youssef and his wife Hie-Tee moved to his native Algeria in 1988 to establish an OM ministry, a revival among the Kabyle people was already sweeping the northern region. ‘Before 1981, there were very few believers,’ Youssef said. Today, he knows of believers in every one of the 2,400 Kabyle cities, villages and towns.

In July 1981, the early Kabyle church, 40 to 50 believers, started a two-year process of praying and fasting, memorising 365 verses about fear. A new Kabyle radio ministry broadcast sermons and teaching across the region, and a church in Ouadiha, led by an Algerian-Swiss couple, began a wide literature distribution campaign in villages and showed the Jesus film in local cafés.

New at OM


In January Operation Mobilisation UK’s Board of Directors announced the appointment of Matthew Skirton as the new UK Director.

Matthew joined OM UK following 20 years of experience with OM in Moldova. He and his wife Helen worked to form a ministry of national Moldovan workers to build up the church there.