In Depth:  North West Gospel Partnership

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Revival hope

North West Gospel Partnership

The North-West Gospel Partnership (NWGP) is meeting in person again post-Covid.

Sessions have included ‘The Parables’, ‘Don’t Just Teach… Preach!’ and ‘Predestination… The Missing Jewel in our Evangelism?’ and most recently ‘Revival’.

Lockdown: serving to advance the gospel

North West Gospel Partnership

‘I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel’, writes the apostle Paul in Philippians 1:12. In the wonderful and strange providence of God, Paul is writing to encourage the Philippians that what might have appeared to be personally harmful to him, and disastrous for gospel growth and proclamation, has in fact been used to advance the gospel.

So too, in this extraordinary and unprecedented time of lockdown, in the providence of God, there are numerous ways in which the gospel is advancing. To paraphrase Paul: ‘Though we are in lockdown, God’s word is not in lockdown’ (2 Tim. 2:9).