In Depth:  Norman Wells

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Focus on evidence

Focus on evidence

Norman Wells

Book Review SAME-SEX PARENTING RESEARCH: A Critical Assessment

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Mindfulness: rapid expansion?

Mindfulness: rapid expansion?

Norman Wells

Norman Wells asks how Christians should respond

Until relatively recently, mindfulness was largely unknown outside Buddhist circles.



Norman Wells

Norman Wells traces how a Buddhist meditation technique is currently gaining a new lease of life and subjects it to biblical critique

The profile of mindfulness has enjoyed a meteoric rise over recent times.

The 12 myths of Christmas

Norman Wells

Cribs, carols, cards, nativity plays and films — they all have something to say about the birth of Christ just over 2,000 years ago.

But sometimes the message they present is quite different from what really happened. Here we look at some of the most common myths and compare them with what the Bible tells us about Jesus’s birth.

Too much, too soon

Norman Wells

Extravagant claims are made for sex and relationship education.

According to the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF): ‘We know that many young people feel they are not getting sex and relationship education which provides them with the knowledge and skills they need to make safe and well-informed choices, and delay sex until they are ready.