In Depth:  Nigel Halliday

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Shaping a vision of more

Shaping a vision of more

Nigel Halliday

Book Review ABUNDANTLY MORE: The Theological Promise of the Arts in a Reductionist World

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Does	art	matter?	If	so,	why?

Does art matter? If so, why?

Nigel Halliday

Book Review WHY ART MATTERS: A call for Christians to create

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Well-crafted, informative 
 and encouraging overview

Well-crafted, informative and encouraging overview

Nigel Halliday


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Roots of modern woes

Roots of modern woes

Nigel Halliday


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Where did we come from?

Nigel Halliday
Date posted: 1 Jul 2017

Dear Sir,

Further to the discussion about the theory of evolution: it is not just Christians who question the scientific and rational basis of the theory. Richard Milton, a professional science writer, wrote The Facts of Life: Shattering the myths of Darwinism back in 1993, questioning the validity of most aspects of the theory.

Abstract expressionism

Abstract expressionism

Nigel Halliday

Nigel Halliday gives a Christian perspective on the exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts

Abstract Expressionism has sometimes been dismissed as merely large daubs that could have been done by the proverbial ‘child of six’.


Nigel Halliday

None Review Colourful prophet GAUGUIN Tate Modern Until 16 January 2011 Gauguin is a major figure in the development of modern art — a pioneer in the move away from naturalism; a brilliant colourist; and a prominent example of the driven, self-absorbed avant-gardist, who sacrificed himself and others in pursuit of his self-appointed role as a prophet.

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The art of lost confidence

Nigel Halliday


Royal Academy, Piccadilly, London

Brilliant green!

Nigel Halliday

Book Review PLANETWISE Dare to Care for God’s World

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Dead man painting: the late work of Caravaggio

Nigel Halliday

In the film Dead Man Walking, as Matthew Poncelet’s hope of reprieve from his death sentence diminishes, he comes under increasing pressure from Sister Prejean to confess to the crime for which he is being punished. Although the film is based on Sister Prejean’s campaign against the death penalty, it leaves open the interpretation that it is only the certainty of death that finally compels Matthew to confess his guilt.

Walking round the National Gallery’s exhibition of late Caravaggio, I got the same sense of a man under sentence of death, forced to confront his own mortality.

Michelangelo and the Reformation

Nigel Halliday

Michelangelo's involvement with Reformation circles in Italy was public knowledge in his own lifetime. But recently scholars have begun to analyse Reformed influences in some of his most famous works, many of them commissioned by the papacy itself.

A movement for reform within the Roman Catholic church had been active in Italy from as early as 1485 when Savonarola began to preach in Florence. Some favoured only moral and administrative reform.

The Psalms - An Artist's Impression

Nigel Halliday

Book Review THE PSALMS: an artist's impression

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Nigel Halliday

Book Review By David Thistlethwaite

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